World Mythology Scavenger Hunt (Homework Assignment #1)
The Procedure: Do some extensive browsing in the course web-site and identify at least three resources of particular interest and write briefly about each on the provided file cards. The write-up should include the title of the item; an extremely condensed summary of its contents; and your own thoughts in response to the resource. Come to class ready to hand in your cards and to briefly discuss what you found with a small group of your fellow students. Make sure your name is on each file card. This mini-assignment will not be graded, but will be collected by me and then added to a small portfolio that will be developed throughout the term and that ultimately will both account for 14% of your grade and will influence your Class Participation and Contributions grade (20%).
The Purpose: The mini-assignment is meant both to begin to familiarize you with some of the resources available through the course web-page and to give you an opportunity to share your ideas with your classmates.
Mythology In The News
:Browse extensively in the
Mythology In The News section of the web-site. Find at least one interesting news article and then identify it with a heading and write about it on one file card. Your write-up can also include material about other news articles that you read if you so choose.Mythology Video Links
:Sample a series of different mythology documentaries in the
Video Links section of the web-site. Find at least one video of interest to watch from beginning to end and then both identify it with a heading and write about it on one file card. The video can range in length from a very few minutes to a full-length documentary, but should genuinely capture your interest.On-Line Articles
:Browse in the
On-Line Articles section of the web-site. Find one interesting article; read it carefully; and then identify it with a heading and write about it on a file card.Optional Extras
(as with all Optional Extras throughout the course, this is not a required component of this mini-assignment):If you so choose, browse in the
Audio Links section of the web-site. Find one interesting audio documentary to listen to and then write about it using the same format as for the other three categories.